Local Area Conflict
Local Area Conflict
Purpose: Provide a realistic intelligence problem set and operating environment for graduate students to conduct timely research and analysis.
Areas for analysis include: military operations, plans and intentions, diplomatic initiatives, and foreign policy objectives.
Instruction: This Intelligence Exercise is delivered to graduate students through this on-line portal. The exercise simulates events surrounding a potential conflict between two countries. In this role playing exercise students will act as Intelligence Analysts. Their responsibility is to compile, collate, and analyze “all-source” information to provide finished intelligence to national security decision makers. This exercise will challenge students to analyze an intelligence problem under realistic operating conditions. Participants will identify intelligence gaps, task collection sources, and provide briefings and analytical support to a geographically dispersed customer base.
Scenario: Local Area/Regional Conflict.
In this scenario tensions are escalating between two countries. The Great Bear Federation is a former enemy of your nation. It is now a fledgling democracy with new found economic resources and an aggressive foreign policy. It is one of the larger military powers in the world. The Republic of York is a very small country formerly a member of the Federation (when it was known as The Empire). York has established itself as a fledgling democracy but is plagued with corruption and ethnic strife.
For access to this Exercise click here: Local Conflict Exercise