Training Environment



As a new analyst you are required to undergo training simulations (Intelligence Exercises) to enhance your analytical skills and abilities. Each of these exercises are delivered to graduate students through on-line means and/or classroom means.  Each exercise simulates the types of events and environments in which analysts often work.

In these role playing exercise students will act as Intelligence Analysts.  Their responsibility is to compile, collate, and analyze “all-source” information to provide finished intelligence to national security decision makers.  Each of these exercises will challenge students to analyze an intelligence problem under realistic operating circumstances.  They will identify intelligence gaps, task collection sources, and provide briefings and analytical support to a geographically dispersed customer base.

Each week new “raw” all-source intelligence information will appear on the DIFC website.  Students will organize into multiple analysis teams.  Participants will task intelligence sources and analyze data including open source intelligence (OSINT), human intelligence (HUMINT), and imagery intelligence (IMINT).  Students will have the opportunity to query and task a collection apparatus for additional information to fill intelligence gaps.  In some scenarios, analyst teams will meet to de-brief intelligence sources and brief military and civilian policy customers (role players) during the exercise.  The customers will respond with questions designed to better understand the situation and develop national military and policy and response options.

More specific details are provided in each of the exercise scenarios.